Im April nahmen wir an „We Are Foreign and We Are Everywhere: Networks for Systemic Change“ teil, einem CoCreate-Workshop im CIVIC. Organisiert von Foreign Legion (Vera Sacchetti, Matylda Krzykowski) mit den Gäst:innen María Inés Plaza Lazo (Arts of the Working Class), James Taylor-Foster (ArkDes) und Nahom Mehret & Ananda Jade (Hybrid Project Space), bot der Workshop öffentliche Foren zu systemischem Wandel, gegenseitigem Lernen und Netzwerke von Care. Die Diskussionen führten zu einer 8-seitigen Beilage in Arts of the Working Class Ausgabe 31: Foreigners Everywhere.
In April, we participated in “We Are Foreign and We Are Everywhere: Networks for Systemic Change,” a CoCreate Workshop at CIVIC. Organized by Foreign Legion (Vera Sacchetti, Matylda Krzykowski) with guests María Inés Plaza Lazo (Arts of the Working Class), James Taylor-Foster (ArkDes), and Nahom Mehret & Ananda Jade (Hybrid Project Space), the workshop hosted public forums on systemic change, mutual learning, and networks of care. The discussions resulted in an 8-page insert in Arts of the Working Class Issue 31: Foreigners Everywhere.